How to combine pensions
All you need to know about combining
your pensions with Zippen

1. Start a chat with Zippen
Let our friendly Zippen Bot guide you through our journey. It’s chatty, straightforward and simple.
2. Provide us your employment history
Simply tell us who you’ve worked for and we’ll do the hard work. If you know the linked pension providers - fantastic! If not, just tell us when you worked for each employer and we’ll run pension provider traces for you.
3. Allow us to speak with your pension providers
In most cases, providers accept a digitally signed letter that the Zippen bot will organise for you. You can sign it from your Zippen account and we can then approach each provider to find out the nitty gritty details of your pots.
4. We’ll find your pensions and get their values
With the pensions traced and values found - we’ll update you on what you have. And don’t worry, if we find a pot that could be jeopardised by consolidation, we’ll be sure to tell you and enable you to understand and protect such valuable benefits.
5. You’re given the option to combine your pensions
There’s no obligation, but with your pots found and details up to date, we think it’s all about convenience. Let us see if we can put all your pensions in one place, a place you already own. That’s the Zippen way.
6. We complete your pension consolidation
Zippen completes the consolidation and notifies you once it’s complete. You can then access your Zippen profile to see your combined pension pot.
Start taking control of your pensions
Combine all your pension pots into one plan. It takes just 60 seconds to sign up.
Get Started